The Hacker’s Guide to Perfecting the Pitch | BitchWhoCodes | Stacey Mulcahy - a Microsoft Technical Evangelist

The Hacker’s Guide to Perfecting the Pitch

This past weekend, I helped out at the NYC hackathon #NYUHack and as I worked with several groups, I soon realized that even though the hackathon was providing sessions on user-centered design and various technologies, I didn’t see too much being discussed about pitching the idea. Having attended several hackathons, I can’t say enough about how important it is to perfect your pitch, more so than your code base. Technically, you could have accomplished the most, but if you don’t know how to set that up and share it in a meaningful way, you might lose out to a team that had way less done.

I put together a very top level deck on how to perfect your pitch for a hackathon. You can check out the presentation over at Speaker Deck .

Filed under: Resources — Stacey @ 6:17 am

  • Jason Thomas Carter

    Nice set of ideas. Last hackathon I attended they had mandatory practice runs with one of their representatives. Really opened my eyes to stop coding and start practicing the presentation full time – 2nd place finish. There are only so many things you can show in 2 – 3 minute demos. Read the rules, cater to as many of the sponsors you can, and know who the judges are.